Decorating With Pipe & Drape

Decorating with pipe & drape is the easiest way to transform a space quickly and cost-effectively.  Whether you’re using pipe & drape to cover one wall or the entire space, it’s a proven solution for professional event planners.  When designing […]

How to Put Together a Successful Association Event, Part IV

It’s time to take your soon-to-be-successful association event from the realm of “well-planned on paper” to “anticipated in the minds of its future attendees.” Yep — it’s the marketing part! Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a step-by-step guide that […]

How to Put Together a Successful Association Event, Part III

It’s time to finally get to the part of the association event planning process that everyone actually thinks of when they think of planning an event: the part where you solidify details. It’s time to make real choices! These steps […]

How to Put Together a Successful Association Event, Part II

Let’s talk about how to create a budget for a successful association event. Basically, this involves first establishing what your total budget is — that’s the easy part. Then you have to figure out how that number is going to […]

How to Put Together a Successful Association Event, Part I

“Association event,” if you’re not familiar, means “an event put on by a (trade) association.” This distinction is important for several reasons, but first let’s talk about what that means. When the NRA puts on an event, they want to […]

Corporate Event Planning 101: Why Are We Doing This?

Some corporate events are self-creating. When the CEO decides that her new vision for Delta-level Teamplay Synergies needs to be promulgated throughout the corporate metasphere, there has to be an event. When the technological demands of the customer base exceed […]

Predictability vs. Banality at Corporate Events

One of the most annoying misconceptions the typical American holds, at least when it comes to the life of an event planner (or those closely allied with event planner, like the experts here at Design Group), is the association of […]
